There are many different names, references and descriptions of products in the landscape industry. Here is how we describe the products we supply. There are 5 core products we stock regularly. There are slight seasonal variations in the color and size.
Additionally, we will work with our customers to fulfill any specialty orders if we are able and can pick up or receive product from numerous locations.
Our bark is 100% organic bark and contains no chemicals or dyes.
Our trucks are not capable of blowing sand due to its abrasiveness.
Our trucks can only blow Blower Topsoil, 2-way or rooftop mix.
Our trucks cannot blow topsoil due to the weight of the product.


FiberPC, our premium playground engineered wood fiber playground surfacing are manufactured and designed specifically for installing under and around Playgrounds and play structures, play equipment and play sets of all shapes and sizes. IPEMA Certified Engineered Wood Fiber 100 % cedar virgin wood. Our FiberPC is considered one of the safest wood products available for playground areas.

Medium Red Bark
Medium for the size, red for the color. Made from 100% virgin fir and hemlock tree bark native to the northwest. The bark is processed to be 1 1/2" minus in size. Medium bark is the most popular for its wide range of landscaping applications and is the most economical choice.

Fine Red Bark
Fine Red Bark – Fine for the size, red for the color. Made from 100% virgin fir and hemlock tree bark native to the northwest. The bark is screened and processes to be 5/8” minus in size. Fine red bark when installed in landscaping applications has a smooth appearance, fresh bark smell and color.

Fine Dark Bark
Fine Dark Bark – Fine for the size dark for its chocolate brown color. Made for 100% virgin fir tree bark native to the northwest, aged for consistent color. The bark is screened and processes to be 5/8” minus in size. Fine Dark bark is the most popular for its dark color when installed in landscaping applications.

Compost is made from 100% recycled yard waste. The recycled yard waste is ground up, mixed and piled in rows to cook in a process called composting. After cooking/composting the material pieces are screened and processes to be 5/8” minus. This material is commonly used as a soil amendment or topdressing.

Blower Topsoil
Blower Topsoil Q: Do you blow topsoil? Yes! We have a specially formulated mix that we can blow in. It’s a mix of 70% compost and 30% sand. We call it blower topsoil. It has been used in a variety of applications. Does this sound like it would work on your project?

Roof Top Soil Mix can be blown into locations several stories high and spread on roof tops for gardens or planters. The composition of roof top mix is a blend of sand, soil, pumice, peat moss and compost. The proportions of each can be varied for specific needs and tailored to each application.

Pea Gravel
Pea gravel is small rounded stones. Each stone is about the size of a pea, which is were it gets its name. Ranging in size from one-eighth of an inch to three-eighths of an inch in diameter, Pea gravel contains various colors such as white, buff, gray, and brown. Pea gravel is a specialty order product not regularly stocked in our yard.

Specialty Order Materials Special order products are suitable for blower service but they are not stored in our yard and are ordered directly from the manufacturer. CARPINTIO PRODUCT BELNDS North Country Potting Soil: A premium quality all-purpose indoor/outdoor potting medium. It is excellent for raised garden beds, potted plants, bedding plants, transplants, herbs, bulbs, nursery shrubs and roses, planter boxes and hanging baskets.